Mitch News Now: Possible Sting Return at Survivor Series

Welcome to a new podcast feature for those who subscribe to my podcast feed, Mitch Nickelson Radio. This is a weekend news piece that hopefully I’ll get into a good routine of doing. Here’s the description of the inaugural installment of this…

In this brand new standalone weekend news segment, Mitch delivers a quick blast of wrestling news, rumors, and opinions.

Topics discussed are:

– Will Sting debut at Survivor Series?

– Sheamus thinks there should be a male version of Total Divas…or something like that.

– Charlotte is scheduled for some upcoming Raw and Smackdown dates.

– TNA on Destination America

– Mick Foley might or might not be the new WWE GM.

Mitch talks about his recent interview with Alex Barie of and looks forward to the upcoming week’s interview with Brandon Lasher, who is the NXT guy at

To listen to this weekend special…
1. Click the Play button on the player at the top of this page.
2. Check us out directly at the site that hosts me (libsyn)…CLICK HERE.
3. Look up Mitch Nickelson Radio on iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe! (This is how I listen to it. Give me a good rating!) I’m also on Stitcher Radio!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @MitchNickelson to keep up with all things Mitch. Take care.

Larry The Cable Guy To Host Raw

While Grumpy Cat wasn’t that bad of a guest “star” on this past week’s Raw, WWE seems up for the challenge to see how far they can test the waters of their fan’s patience. Announced for the November 24th edition of Raw is the funniest redneck of 2003, Larry The Cable Guy. Here’s an excerpt of the press release that WWE sent out…

Comedy giant Larry the Cable Guy brings his award-winning comedy to WWE’s Monday Night Raw when he guest stars on Monday, November 24 at 8/7C on the USA Network. Larry the Cable Guy and WWE Santino Marella™ in Jingle All the Way 2 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Video.

Wait a minute…they decided to make a sequel to that Arnold Schwarzenegger/Phil Hartman movie from the 1990s? THIS movie…?

To be fair, the original did feature Sinbad and The Big Show, so it wasn’t all bad. Right? I guess we should take a look at the updated version and make our own judgments. Here’s a trailer from Youtube…

To it’s credit, it does feature Santino Marella. That dude is funny. What do you think? Does the movie like it’s worth our time? Should Larry The Cable Guy take up precious Raw time that could be otherwise given to actual wrestlers who might want to wrestle in actual matches? Chime in with your thoughts below.

Also, don’t forget to find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson. And in case you missed it, here’s the most recent episode of my podcast, Mitch Nickelson Radio. Alex Barie of joined me and we had a great discussion. Just click PLAY below and give it a listen!

Take care.

Mitch Nickelson Radio #2: Alex Barie, TNA, and Survivor Series

Welcome to the brand new Mitch Nickelson Radio, your 30 minute fix of pro-wrestling news, analysis, fun. Here’s the preview for this week…

Mitch welcomes Alex Barie of to the podcast this week. A poorly timed discussion of the future of TNA is discussed (TNA announced their Destination America deal in the 24 hour gap of recording and posting the episode). Still, Alex is a knowledgable guy and worth listening to. We also discuss Global Force Wrestling and a little about WWE Survivor Series.

Later in the podcast, former co-host of this very show, Al N. Jaxson, joins me to make out picks for this Sunday’s Survivor Series Pay-Per-View. Also making picks with us is newcomer Jeremy Boster. We run through the card and try our best to predict the winners of each match.

To listen to this week’s episode…
1. Click the Play button on the player at the top of this page.
2. Check us out directly at the site that hosts us (libsyn)…CLICK HERE.
3. Look up Mitch and Al Radio on iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe! (This is how I listen to it. Give us a good rating! We’re also on Stitcher Radio!

Leave a comment below or even ask a question for me. I’ll try to answer your questions on the next podcast. And as always, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @MitchNickelson to keep up with all things Mitch. Take care.

Hacksaw Update: Veteran’s Day and Rome (GA) Show

hacksaw jake the snake

Just in case it has been a little too long since the last time you wondered about everybody’s favorite American, here is your regular dose of Duggan. This is the Hacksaw Update!

America observed Veteran’s Day this past week and Jim Duggan made certain to show respect for those who have served. He was already in Charleston, S.C. for a family wedding and decided to give us Yanks a more than healthy teaspoon of patriotism. Enjoy this pic posted to Facebook in all of its glory…

The USS Yorktown participated in several campaigns in the Pacific Theater of Operations, earning 11 battle stars and the Presidential Unit Citation. Jim Duggan was the winner of the first ever Royal Rumble match in 1988, was a one time United States Heavyweight Champion, and a one time (and the final) World Television Champion. EVERYTHING about this paragraph is more than enough proof that American is great and communism is evil.

Later in the week, Hacksaw would get cultured and visit the splendor and renaissance of Rome (Georgia). He was in town for a Superstars Of Wrestling show and had the chance to meet up with both the past and the future of professional wrestling. Here he is with young stud Tyrus (Brodus Clay from the WWE)…

And here’s a post by Duggan where his good friend Jake Roberts is getting a tad too friendly with him…

That about does it for this edition of the Hacksaw Update. As long as Duggan is still carving out his legacy in professional wrestling and as long as America is still the greatest country on the face of God’s green Earth, expect more from this series in the future. And a smart man wouldn’t bet against Duggan or America.


I hope you felt as inspired from reading this post as I did from writing it. To keep up with all things Mitch just head over to Twitter @MitchNickelson and @SBP_Wrestling and give me a follow. It’s the best way to not miss anything that I do. Also, check out the most recent edition of Mitch Nickelson Radio. I got to chat with Sgt. Damage and he got me up to speed on the recent happenings in the world of UFC. Or, just click the PLAY button below.

Take care.

SBP Wrestling #9: Team Cena vs. Team Authority

Welcome back to Mitch Nickelson’s premiere pro-wrestling podcast, SBP Wrestling! Like usual, I’m joined by the two ravishing (but not rude!) wrestling minds of Ronnie and Bryan. Here is this episode’s show description…

Episode #9 brings you a Raw and NXT recap, the guys opinions on current storylines with the Wyatts, Dean Ambrose, The Authority and Team Cena. We also take a look at some news and rumors with another Quick Thoughts segment.

To listen to this week’s episode, simply do one of these simple tasks…
1. Click the PLAY button on the player at the top of this page.
2. Direct Download…CLICK HERE.
3. Check us out on iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe! (This is how I listen to it. Give us a good rating!)

Thanks for listening! Check me out on Twitter @MitchNickelson. And if you want even more podcast goodness from me, go check out my new podcast Mitch Nickelson Radio. This past week my good friend Sgt. Damage joined me to discuss the latest UFC happenings. Take care.

NEW Rick Rude “‘Simply Ravishing” Outside The Ring T-Shirt Now Available at!

Main Event Review For November 11th, 2014

Welcome to another exciting edition of WWE Main Event! I feel like the word ‘exciting’ might be misleading, but I can confirm that Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd will be wrestling tonight so I’ll stay with that adjective. If their match is anything like last week then we should be in for a real treat.

This edition is broadcast out of Liverpool, U.K. I’m aware of all of the matches ahead of time because it’s pre-taped this week since WWE is on the other side of the Atlantic. I won’t run through them all, but I can confirm that Justin Gabriel will appear. If I were I betting man then I know where my money would be for who I think is winning his match. Michael Cole and Byron Saxton are our announcers. Let’s get to this.

The show begins with a Veteran’s Day tribute video. John Cena’s voice thanks the troops for their service. Michael Cole’s voice then reminds me that it’s Armistice Day in the U.K. as well.

Stardust (w/Goldust) vs. Adam Rose

The Bunny has been a thorn in Adam Rose’s side over the past week and even though Rose has physically turned on him twice  already, that hare is still accompanying the Rosebuds to the ring.

The match took a backseat to the Rose/Bunny story and that’s all that the announcers talked about. I remember the shots of the Rosebuds partying more than any actual move in the match.

The win came due to a distraction as expected. But the twist this time around was that Goldust tried to distract Rose. The Bunny got involved and took out Goldust with a spinning kick on the outside. Stardust had his attention on the action outside the ring and was caught off guard as Rose went for the rollup.

Winner by pinfall: Adam Rose

There’s an awesome video package showcasing just how much of a beast Ryback is. WWE has done right by him since his return and he seems to have returned to a top spot in the company.

Alicia Fox vs. Cameron

In a pre-recorded segment, Alicia announced that she’s the newest member of Total Divas. Michael Cole mentions that Paige and her will be joining that cast when the show returns in January. Cameron also had a pre-recorded segment where she told Alicia that she’s going down like a yellow submarine, but not coming back up.

The crowd is incredibly quiet at the beginning of this match. There are a couple of cat calling-style whistles to be heard, but the silence is very noticeable. Cole asks Saxton if Cameron is wearing yellow as a tribute to that Yellow Submarine song that the Beatles did because I guess they can’t think of anything better to talk about. Everything about this match is so incredibly blasé and I feel bad writing that because the girls aren’t wrestling badly. Nothing clicks, though. The ending came via a pretty uneventful rollup by Alicia Fox.

Winner by pinfall: Alicia Fox

Bray Wyatt’s promo from Raw was replayed at this point. He talks about sin and Dean Ambrose’s daddy issues. Ambrose will be in action on Main Event tonight.

As Sami Zayn is making his way to the ring, there’s a video talking about the ECW edition of the Monday Night War show followed by the Kofi Kingston version of the “A New Day” promo. I can’t wait to see what happens with that group.

Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya)

These two had a solid match last week on Main Event which is highlighted before the match  begins. The Liverpool fans greet Sami with an ‘Ole’ chant. Both men begin the match by trading arm-wrenches and headlocks and Tyson seems to get the better of Zayn early. He gloats to the crowd about it.

The two lock up again and Tyson works on his opponent’s arm a little. Zayn makes is way out of it and goes for a cover that doesn’t do anything. Tyson headlocks Zayn back down to the mat and says “Ask Him” to the ref, which is always a nice touch. Zayn quickly spins around Kidd when they get to standing and ends his quick sequence with an arm-drag take down that sends Kidd out of the ring. Kidd composes himself with Natalya by his side.

Kidd tries to get into the ring the normal way but Zayn suplexes him over the ropes and follows it up with an unsuccessful pin attempt. Zayn sends Kidd’s head back and forth into a couple of turnbuckles and the crowd cheers for him briefly. He goes to the top rope but Tyson drop-kicks him to the outside to regain control.

Tyson uses the ring apron to blind the face of Zayn and punches him over and over. Kidd pauses for a moment to request a kiss from his bride, then goes back to punching the vision-impaired Zayn. After a kick to Sami’s head, Tyson goads Natalya into another kiss on the cheek and then hugs her smugly. The look on his face during their moment of affection is gold.

Back from a short break and Kidd is still in control. He viciously steps on Zayn’s fingers and swats at his head while he’s writhing in pain. Tyson snap-mares Zayn and follows it up with a stiff kick to the back.

If people weren’t sold on how amazing Tyson Kidd is at this moment of his career then they need to find the 34 minute mark of this edition of Main Event and listen to what he yells at the ref while squeezing Zayn’s neck with his leg in a submission maneuver…

Tyson: Ask him!
Ref: I’m asking him!
Tyson: Ask him in French!

Tyson Irish Whips Zayn into the corner and Zayn sells it like he took a bullet to the back. Tyson covers Zayn for only a two count. Tyson puts Zayn into a headlock, but Zayn battles back with a series of forearm shots and an eventual dropkick. The crowd feels his comeback.

Zayn makes his way to the top rope for a high-risk move, but Tyson runs up the ropes to counter him. Zayn wins that encounter and shoves him off of the ropes. Sami connects with a cross-body that only gets him a two count when he stays on him for the pin. The crowd is starting to buy into the nearfalls a little.

Natalya looks worried on the outside as Zayn and Tyson get back into it. Tyson sneaks to the outside off of an Irish Whip and Sami goes after him. Tyson quickly moves back into the ring and kicks at Sami as he goes to follow him. While on the outside apron, Tyson kicks Sami in the face. He rolls Sami back into the ring for a pin which only gets him two.

Tyson nails a leg drop to Zayn on the outside apron. He follows it up with a top rope Blockbuster (didn’t I just shout out Buff Bagwell last week?) that only got him a two count. Both Tyson and Natalya looked frustrated by this.

Taunts came from Tyson towards Sami as he was trying to get to his feet. Tyson shoved him into the corner and wailed on him. Sami still seemed to struggle but somehow seemed to connect with a Blue Thunder Bomb out of nowhere. This only gave him a two count in an impressive nearfall. The crowd chanted “This is awesome” as the two composed themselves.

Tyson went for the same series of rollups that got him the win last week but unlike last week, he was caught pulling on Sami’s tights this time. He argued with the ref which allowed Sami to tie up with him from behind. There were a couple of reversals that sent Tyson flying through the ropes and slamming on the ground hard.

Sami tried to pull Tyson back into the ring and to prevent this from happening, Tyson grabbed onto Natalya and gave her a desperation hug. When Sami let go Tyson pulled him by the leg, causing him to fall backward and slam onto his back and head. Tyson came back into the ring for a fisherman-style neckbreaker that sealed the deal for his pin that immediately followed.

Winner by pinfall: Tyson Kidd

Tyson celebrated with his wife in the middle of the ring and the two actually looked happy with each other. Zayn will be fighting Adrian Neville on NXT this Thursday for the NXT Championship. This is a big week for Zayn on the WWE Network.

A video is now played where The Miz honors the troops. It’s for a group called Hire Heroes.

The Big Guy, Ryback, had a big decision on Raw the night before and his segments were highlighted. As a mark for Ryback I have been loving his time back in the spotlight.

Chris Jericho and his Highlight Reel segment will be hosting Triple H and Stephanie McMahon on this week’s Smackdown. That should be fun.

Dean Ambrose vs. Justin Gabriel

There’s a replay before this math starts of Bray’s interference in Dean’s Hell in a Cell match to kick off their rivalry. The two will face one-on-one at Survivor Series.

Last week, Gabriel lost to a returning Curtis Axel. This week he gets the opportunity to lose to Dean Ambrose. That’s a slight step up for Justin. The crowd chants “Lets go Ambrose” during this match but it never gets too exciting. Nobody believes Gabriel will win. Ambrose connects with his Dirty Deeds finisher then pins for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Dean Ambrose

Post-match, Deans music stops while he’s in the center of the ring and he has a mic in his hands. He tells Bray that he’s not afraid and that he doesn’t play games. He warns Bray that when people start poking and prodding at him then people start getting their teeth knocked out. The crowd cheered for that. At Survivor Series Dean states he’s going to give Bray a little family counseling.  He throws down the mic as the show comes to a close.

Mitch’s Final Thoughts

This episode of Main Event felt very much like last week. Stardust lost the opener, Gabriel showed up to lose, and there was a well above average match between Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd. It’s not a bad formula I guess but there needs to be some more variety. I’m merely giving this show and average grade.

If you missed the show then only the Zayn and Kidd matchup is what you need to check out. It’s a great match and while it’s not a four star match or anything, they deliver.

One gripe I’ll throw out is how a guy holding one half of the Tag Team Championships is being used to put over Adam Rose and his Bunny feud. I don’t mind the Bunny on Main Event but why does a champion need to be in that spot? It tarnishes his credibility in my eyes. Put Justin Gabriel in that spot. If Stardust lost to a top guy like Dean Ambrose, even clean, it wouldn’t really make him look weak. Losing to Adam Rose does.

That about does it for me this week. If you’d like to comment on the show then please do so in the Comment section below. If you’d like to reach out to me personally then find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or follow my blog at Take care.


Main Event Review For November 4th, 2014

Welcome back to that little Tuesday night wrestling show that could, WWE Main Event! This week’s show is broadcast out of Albany, New York and features the familiar announce team of Michael Cole and JBL. It looks like Byron Saxton will be missing out on the fun this time around. I’m unaware of anything that might be advertised this week.

Like usual, I’ll recap all of the highlights of the show and I’ll sprinkle in my opinion along the way. I won’t go too in-depth on the play-by-play, but I’ll cover all of the important stuff. At the end I’ll wrap up everything in a delightful Final Thoughts section. Let’s get this show started.

Stardust vs. Jey Uso

Cole and JBL split their time talking about Rusev’s win against Sheamus on Monday night with previewing the tag team cage match that will happen on Friday’s Smackdown between the Dusts and The Usos. Stardust was his usual weirdo self in this match mixed in with the occasional heel act like when he ripped off Jey’s shirt. Those things are 25 bucks at WWE’s online store, so I’d be mad if I was Jey.

The crowd really came alive near the end of this match as they chanted “Uso” for Jey. Shortly after, Jey planted a kick to the chin of Stardust then rolled him up for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Jey Uso

Tyson Kidd is backstage getting ready for a match and Natalya approaches him from behind. She apologizes to him and tells him that she’s proud of him and loves him. Tyson pulls up the hood that’s covering his head to reveal that he’s got his white headphones on. All he seems to hear is the last line where she wishes him good luck for tonight and he says thanks to her.

Justin Gabriel vs. Curtis Axel

This is the official return of The Ax Man, who Michael Cole says was out for a few months with injury. I was one of the few fans of him during his Rybaxel run with Ryback so I’m leery about him going solo. Can he keep my adoration?

Both guys charged each other midway through the match and collided hard against each other. While Axel tried to make his way to his feet Gabriel hit him with a cross-body against the ropes and they both tumbled to the outside.

A little later, Gabriel went to the top rope and Axel shoved him to the outside in a hard spill. Curtis brought him back to the ring and connected with a running knee followed by a successful pin attempt.

Winner by pinfall: Curtis Axel

Michael Cole said that Axel scored a big win on his return. JBL said it was impressive. All he did was beat Justin Gabriel so I find it hard to agree with them.

Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) vs. Sami Zayn

There’s a cool video package before the match highlighting Zayn. It’s really good like you’d expect a WWE video package to be and it shows a bunch of NXT footage.

The crowd was really excited for Zayn and even busted out with some “Ole” chants for him. Sami looked solid in this early on, delivering a series of crisp looking arm drag takedowns. Kidd would pummel on Zayn in the corner and refuse to back off when the ref warned him to do so. Zayn found his way to the side apron and attempted to jump up to springboard off the ropes but Tyson drop kicked him, sending Sami to the outside.

Tyson delivered a neck-breaker on the outside and made Natalya give him a kiss on the cheek before he re-entered the ring. This guy is great. Tyson set Sami up in a tree of woe in the corner and gave a running drop-kick to him. He paused to pose for the crowd who booed him for his efforts.

The match was getting pretty good as Kidd was able to connect with a Blockbuster (shout out to Buff Bagwell) later in the match. It was a good nearfall as Zayn kicked out after two. Natalya cheered for her husband as the crowd tried to re-start the “Ole” chants. Tyson dropped an elbow off of a spring-board setup from the ropes. Kidd must have been getting frustrated that he couldn’t put Zayn away because he tried several pin attempts in a row, none getting the three count.

Zayn was able to get a nearfall of his own when hr gave Kidd a top rope cross-body, but he only got two for it. An even better nearfall happened when Sami followed it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Still only a two count and Zayn looked shocked that he didn’t put him away. The final pin came after a series of unique rollups that ended with Tyson grabbing the tights to keep Zayn down for the three.

Winner by pinfall: Tyson Kidd

This was one of those special matches that made me happy to be the guy who reviews Main Event. Kidd celebrated his win at the top of the ramp while Natalya awkwardly stood behind him.

The Xavier Woods “New Day” video aired where he acts like he’s a James Brown-influenced preacher with an energetic choir behind him. I hope when he finally debuts this new character arc he denounces all of this and labels this as just another example of how the corporate bigwigs simply want him to dance and sing. Then we might get that New Nation stable, which I’m rooting for.

All of the stuff involving Team Authority from Raw gets recapped at this point in the show. Randy Orton has been so good recently, I even find myself excited to see his promos. I never thought I’d say that. Michael Cole gave us an injury update after the recap segment and spoke of Orton have contusions on his face. His current timetable for a return is indeterminable. Cole says that Orton will not be at Survivor Series, which I doubt is true.

Bray Wyatt vs. Sin Cara

This match is pretty much what you’d expect. Bray got a chance to let his presence be felt. His entrance is always a crowd pleaser and he got to portray the cult-leader guy that people buy into. He had Sin Cara in a seated headlock during the match and repeated “Don’t you quit on me Sin Cara!” Sin Cara got a few spots but never established momentum.

Bray did his lovely spider walk before using his Sister Abigail maneuver to finish off his opponent. He pinned Sin Cara for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Bray Wyatt

Wyatt held his arms outstretched and looked up to the heavens above while he was above the unmoving Sin Cara. This is the spectacle that closed out the show.

Mitch’s Final Thoughts

I’ll have to call this an above average Main Event and I’m basing my decision entirely off of the Sami Zayn/Tyson Kidd match. While the two are capable of far better this still was a solid match that felt like a treat to watch. Kidd is entertaining as a scumbag husband and Zayn brought a fighting spirit with him tonight. Everything clicked for these guys.

Jey Uso and Stardust didn’t steal the show or anything but considering they have their tag-team cage match on Smackdown then that means they’re pulling double-duty for the night. If they were just viewing this match as the warm up then I don’t blame them at all. I’m looking forward to that cage match.

Justin Gabriel and Curtis Axel didn’t really deliver anything special. Looks like The Ax Man might be a little too lost without The Big Guy.

Sin Cara was solely in the ring for Bray Wyatt to make Bray look good. While it was only a squash match I feel like Bray’s presence is enough of a draw to still feel like the audience got something out of it. That month of nothing but promos and then being reintroduced against Dean Ambrose at Hell In A Cell might just be what Bray needed to re-spark his career.

That about does it for me this week. Don’t forget to find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson and on my personal blog at I’ve been podcasting like crazy recently, so check me out in audio format if you can. Take care.

Mitch Nickelson Radio #1: Sgt. Damage, UFC, and WWE Survivor Series

Welcome to the brand new Mitch Nickelson Radio, your 30 minute fix of pro-wrestling awesomeness. Here’s the preview for this week…

Mitch starts a brand new chapter in podcasting and is joined by Sgt. Damage. Topics discussed include AJ Styles thoughts on Jim Ross announcing Global Force Wrestling, WWE generating $140 million revenue for New Orleans, UFC fight nights from Brazil and Australia, and a Survivor Series preview.

To listen to this week’s episode…
1. Click the Play button on the player at the top of this page.
2. Check us out directly at the site that hosts us (libsyn)…CLICK HERE.
3. Look up Mitch and Al Radio on iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe! (This is how I listen to it. Give us a good rating! We’re also on Stitcher Radio!

Leave a comment below or even ask a question for me. I’ll try to answer your questions on the next podcast. And as always, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @MitchNickelson to keep up with all things Mitch. Take care.

Grumpy Cat Will Host Raw?!

Has WWE lost their minds? Sorry to be so negative, but here’s a slightly disturbing press release regarding next week’s Raw…

STAMFORD, Conn., November 10, 2014 – Internet sensation Grumpy Cat will guest star on WWE’s flagship program, Monday Night Raw, Monday, November 17 at 8/7C on the USA Network.

Grumpy Cat has become a pop-culture phenomenon and currently boasts 7 million Facebook fans, 500,000 Instagram followers and her YouTube page has received 29 million video views.

“WWE’s mission is to put smiles on people’s faces – and now we will attempt the same with Grumpy Cat,” said WWE Chief Brand Officer, Stephanie McMahon. “We are going to do everything in our power to make sure she has a good time.”

I’m not sure if I have the words to express my disdain for this decision, so instead I’ll pull quotes from Twitter folks who are equally annoyed by this…

I understand that WWE wants to bring in stars from other realms of pop culture, but this is doomed for failure. Why not try to get a professional athlete to come on the show? Or how about that Hugh Jackman guy? Wolverine always does a good job when he’s in front of a wrestling audience. Grumpy cat is a dumb internet meme, that’s it. Was Scumbag Steve busy next Monday or something?

So what do you think? This is pretty much guaranteed to get a strong negative reaction, right? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

It’s hard to believe that I actually made this news post. Hopefully WWE has a change of heart. But until then, don’t forget to check me out on Twitter @MitchNickelson. Also, check out the most recent edition of my podcast, SBP Wrestling, while you’re at it. Simply push Play below and you won’t regret it.


SBP Wrestling #8: No Brock, No John

Welcome back to Mitch Nickelson’s premiere pro-wrestling podcast, SBP Wrestling! Like usual, I’m joined by the two loyal and respectful (they also hustle!) wrestling minds of Ronnie and Bryan. Here is this episode’s show description…

The guys give their vews on recent news, rumors and backstage events. Also, a Raw and NXT review. We also find out how Monday night went with the absence of John Cena.

To listen to this week’s episode, simply do one of these simple tasks…
1. Click the play button on the player at the top of this page.
2. Direct Download…CLICK HERE.
3. Check us out on iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe! (This is how I listen to it. Give us a good rating!)

Thanks for listening! Check me out on Twitter @MitchNickelson. Take care.

NEW Rick Rude “‘Simply Ravishing” Outside The Ring T-Shirt Now Available at!